Metamorphosis - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Yash Raja books and stories PDF | Metamorphosis - 1

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Metamorphosis - 1

Few Drops Of Blood

The city was asleep.

It seemed as if it was haunted by ghosts... The moon was peeking the globe from above. A glint of silver hazy moonshine reflected on the cold tar road. It was just another usual night, or.....


When everything seems alright, you know that its time for something to get wrong... And so did it get on that night..

A sound dived into the silent pool and transformed into noise... What exactly was it?? By listening it closely it seemed to be siren.. was it fire brigade? Or Was it an ambulance?? No.. it was the thing which usually wanders when the dark night falls, A cop mob. The noise drew nearer and nearer. Tires screeched. A charcoal minivan appeared taking a hefty turn, but wait. It was no police car!!.. The tires erupted sparks due to friction with the road, It was punctured, then.. the cop mob which made the noise appeared, following it..

The dwarf took a turn its tires couldn't handle, and crashed with a pole... The door swung open, a shoe matching the midnight, black as his clothes, landed followed by another.. The door closed and the he had his hand pressed tightly on his lower left area above waist.. His head had something unusual.. It was emitting blood..2 drops fell on the ground and he started running... He was all black, checking for his gun.. the police car came following it. It stopped, 2 men ran behind him as the hounds run behind its prey.. He wasn't able to run because of the wound on his lower left area above the waist, Knowing that, he stopped near a wall, checked his gun and turned towards them suddenly, pointing the barrel towards them.

"You need medical assistance, let us help you Mark , point that gun away and surrender" Warned the cop.

"SURRENDER?!! I haven't robbed a purse!!, I am a suspect for killing someone, what do I get after medical assistance? To be hanged till death or Life time imprisonment?Oh Yes!! What would I love more than that!?" Remarked he in black, sarcastically with his hands trembling and shifting the muzzle towards the cops one after other again and again...

" We all know you can't escape now.. even if you manage to you need to visit a doctor, and you know what doctor would do seeing a bullet hole in your gut.." The elder cop informed authoritatively.."You will die either of pain or too much blood loss and believe me... It's the last thing you want"

"And you are just a suspect you are not yet proved guilty, you can live if you surrender" the younger tried to convince.

"I am going to shoot you if you don't let me leave.."

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, and there was no option to evade them Except this one..



He shot 2 times but the gun was out of bullets.. The cops got relieved and they came near him.. They placed the guns in the pockets and one of them grabbed him by his left wrist and another took handcuffs from backside.. He bought his hand down hopelessly..

"You were a suspect, but now we are eyewitness, if you can shoot us, you can shoot her.. and this has proved that you are her killer.." Said the elder cop gladly while taking the handcuffs to his hand.

His sad face transformed to an evil smile.. They had forgotten that he had the gun still in his hands.. he pointed the barrel on the head of that cop..

"You can drop the act now. We know it needs to be reloaded.." Other cop said with a smile as if it was just a toy gun to him..

"Does it???"

He pressed the finger on the trigger towards himself.. and a BAM!! The cop's brain splat out of the hole made by point blank range from back of his head.. The blood splat all-over as water does when a rock falls into the river. The body lost its balance, and fell on the cold white dust shining due to moonlight. His last breath exhaled and pushed the dust off the ground..

The another cop was startled.. He pulled the gun out of the cops pocket and his finger did the work again, but this time on the ribs of that cop.. He fell down with his partner, panting and struggling to breathe..

"But you were out of bullets.. " panted the cop painfully

"Yes I was.. but I had one... And one isn't enough to kill both of you.. so I played along.. I adjusted it I such a way that the bullet shoots on 3rd shot, 2 failed shots are enough to convince an idiot that I am out of bullet.. So I borrowed one from you.. And you let me.."

Announced he, with an sinister grin on his face. He bent and started to unburden them from guns...

"You won't last long.. You are shot too.." The cop cursed counting his last breath...

"With a gun on head.. You can make a saint Dance on wall naked.. " He replied slowing his voice while making his eye to eye while taking keys of the police car.. " And I need to borrow this.. I bet you won't mind it.."

And he laughed, while unlocking the car.. He started the engine and accelerated. The cop was staring at the car as it grew larger and larger as drove the cop mob over the his leg making him scream in pain and went away.. He fell on the ground staring the blood flowing from the head of the dead cop.